Thursday, March 21, 2013


My goals were to use thick paint to portray the lipstick. I accomplished this by using a pallet knife. My painting is about thick strokes. The most difficult challenge was mixing colors. I met that challenge my being patient with the paint. My painting really works in the reflection on the gold tube. I learned how to utilize thick paint. I learned about color from Diebenkorn. I learned from Megan how to utilize the pallet knife. If i were to do it over I would put more colors in to the blue areas. I feel i utilized thick paint the best!!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My photos represent the leftovers from thanksgiving. The leaves represent the leftover food that we can not eat and the tree represents the carcus of the turkey.

Monday, October 8, 2012

.jpg challengs, showing my family, some of my friends dance bags, this is my dance family, we train together, we help each other, we support each other, we cry Heather, we comfort each other, we lift each other up, we are our harshest critics, we push each other, we share band aids, bandages, Advil liquid gels, blister strips, gaffers tape, medicle tape, water, shoe polish, bobby pins, makeup, we get tans together, we compeat against each other, we cheer together, we are the first one there at a twisted ankle, we spit of the floor for our shoes, we travel together, we know each others strengths and weaknesses, we are family.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Shady Hallow

My goals and intentions of this piece were to make bold statements by carving out the light and leaving the outlines to the viewers imagination. i accomplished this by using only shadows and light. My painting is about having as little detail as possible but still creating an image of pumpkins.The most difficult challenge was not to draw to many details. I met that challenge by focusing on the shadows and light. My painting really works well on the borders of the light and dark areas. I have learned how dramatic subtle light can be and in my next pieces I will utilize light more.